The Dexter DifferenceDexter is a custom developed automated data retriever service offered by Neno Research, Inc. that automates the searching of criminal records at court web sites. Dexter does not use artificial intellegence or machine learning. It was created to give you data in real time from the up-to-the-minute court files. Dexter is custom designed for background screening companies that want a streamlined process to run criminal records checks. In an effort to eliminate the potential for human error, companies have deployed Dexter and seen many benefits such as real-time data. Dexter saves you time and money by providing a more thorough solution versus manual searches. With a large percentage of court jurisdictions now available through public access web sites, information that used to require a court runner and days of waiting is now available through your PC in minutes. But is keying your own web searches really better? Most Common Problems:
Dexter solves all of these problems for you. Dexter automates the access to these court web sites so you do not have to be concerned about the peculiar traits of each site. Searches are submitted and results are obtained manually through our easy-to-use web site or electronically through XML interfaces. If you are running your business with proprietary software, Dexter offers an XML interface that you can integrate into your system. We are also interfaced through most vendor software including Accio, Deverus, and Tazworks to name a few. Dexter is programmed to provide the most thorough search possible not by just knowing the special traits of each site, but by also searching for alternate name spellings and looking for transposed digits in DOBs. When courts modify or update their web sites, the full resources of Neno are immediately available to get the new site implemented and searchable. It's easy to start using Dexter! Dexter can be used in many ways including our website, Dexter's Standard XML interface, and through software that you already own and like, such as: HubX, Accio, TazWorks, and many more. Dexter makes it easier for you to run your business! Dexter is integrated with major companies such as TazWorks, Accio Data, Deverus, EZyCheck, and many more. Or, at no charge, we can create an XML interface to your proprietary software.There are no monthly minimum usage requirements and no monthly or set up fees associated with this vital tool.
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